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The Centre for Sharing De- Brutalisation

  Charity Registration Number: 1171016

"We need a law to require other laws, and their means of implementation, to incorporate measures that inhibit any brutalising effects of what is permitted, forbidden, obliged or not obliged, or of what is inherent in the enforcement thereof, with a Tsar to oversee its enduring delivery for  the protection of all," 

says military veteran Liz of being both brutal and brutalised


Research Source:              SHARING DE-BRUTALISATION: Anachronising Crime, Punishment, Inherent Harm and Wasted Potential (Campion 2020)

If we want adherence to law, then, surely,

everyone needs to feel within its protection. But,

rather than protecting everyone, the law

currently seems to have scant regard if it

causes or allows harm.



- A Universal Protection Law to require all laws, and their means of implementation, to incorporate measures that inhibit any brutalising effects of what is permitted, forbidden, obliged or not obliged, or of what is inherent in the enforcement thereof, with a Tsar to oversee its enduring delivery to address violence as defined by the World Health Organisation ‘as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual’ that ‘results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation’.


- ‘Changes’ to de-brutalise the ‘global economy’ (World Economic Forum Focus Area 1) alongside ‘consensus’ on ‘global problems’ (WEF Focus Area 2) and de-brutalised strategies for ‘global security’ (WEF Focus Area 3) to de-brutalise world economies, their problems and security.


- ‘Equal protection of the law’ (United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Article 7) and ‘effective remedy’ (UNDHR Article 8) under the law, with ‘every individual and every organ of society’ (UN General Assembly) working to achieve a ‘common standard’ to prevent ‘barbarous acts’ and personal ‘realisation’ of ‘the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable’ for ‘dignity and the free development’ of ‘personality’. 




Change what Brutalises Lives



De-Brutalise the Economy, its Problems and Security



De-Brutalise the Law, its Remedies, Access and Realisation

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